If you’re selected for verification, we’ll mail you a letter explaining what additional documentation must be provided. Please include your name and University Identification Number (919#) on every document you submit back to our office.
Once the required documentation is received, we’ll compare the documents to the information initially provided on your FAFSA. If there are any discrepancies compared to the information on the FAFSA, we’ll make the corrections, and you’ll receive an updated Student Aid Report.
If the documentation provided to us doesn’t provide all of the necessary information to complete the verification process, you’ll be sent another letter outlining the needed documentation.
After the verification process is complete, you’ll receive an email indicating that your Financial Aid Offer is available for your review.
A financial aid administrator can consider unique or unusual circumstances such as extraordinary medical expenses, tuition expenses, or unemployment and can adjust your cost of attendance or some of the information used to calculate your SAI. Please review the Special Conditions Form
The financial aid administrator may also change your status from dependent to independent, but only under specific circumstances which the aid administrator will explain. You will have to provide the Office of Scholarships and Financial Assistance with documentation to justify any change. The decision to change or not to change your dependency status is based on the aid administrator's judgment and is final. It cannot be appealed to the U.S. Department of Education. Please review the Dependency Status Appeal Instructions.